02 avril 2024

Dîner annuel 2024 La Physiologie du Goût

Our Cercle's dîner annuel is taking place later this month and our menu dégustation is inspired by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin's La Physiologie du Goût.
Here's the menu. Tempted? 
If so, then to get more information drop us a line at cfbelfast@gmail.com

02 mars 2024

Journée internationale des femmes : Madame de POMPADOUR

 Chers Amis,

The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will take place on Friday rather than on a Wednesday evening. This is because International Women's Day falls on Friday 8 March. So ...

… vendredi 8 mars 2024 à 19h30 will be an online Zoom meeting.

(The Link will be emailed to MEMBERS ONLY* on 8 mars 2024)

Topic: Madame de Pompadour

With: Allison NEILL-RABAUX

Last year Allison’s fascinating talk to mark International Women's Day was widely appreciated and we welcome her back to reveal the story and influence of Madame de Pompadour, patronne of the arts. We feel sure that you’ll not want to miss it.

The Zoom link will be sent to members and registered guests on the morning of the event.

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday 8th March.

À bientôt, Philip

*Please note: While information about our events is circulated to everyone on our mailing list the links giving access to our Zoom meetings are sent only to members and to guests who have paid for one-off attendance (£5). For more information please contact cfbelfast@gmail.com.

30 janvier 2024

De GAULLE and Algeria

 Chers Amis,

The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will be …

on: Mercredi 7 février 2024 à 19h.30

in: Room PFC 02/11 in the Peter Froggatt Centre

Queen's University Belfast,

7-9 College Park East, Belfast, BT7 1PS

Topic: De Gaulle and Algeria

Speaker: Sam THOMPSON

We are pleased to welcome Sam to our talks programme and to this in person event. Sam will address us on aspects of his current university research project. Although a specialist himself, Sam’s talk will be aimed at those of us with a more general historical interest.

This will be a special meeting for the Cercle in many ways. Firstly of course because the Cercle has been able to gain the services of a speaker of Sam's standing with such an expert knowledge of this subject which in itself is sure to be of great interest to folk.

Also this will be the first in person talk in quite some time and what a plesure to be able to enjoy it in the pleasant surroundings of Queens University Belfast.

Among the many advantages of this venue is not least the fact that free car parking is easily available … in the University car park at the top of Botanic Avenue, on the university campus itself (entrance on University Square) and on street in the surrounding area.

As always members are able to attend all Cercle events free of charge. If you are not a member or have not renewed your membership (due January 2024) then this would be an excellent opportunity for you to do so on the evening. Of course anyone may attend as a guest for the 'guest fee' of £5.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday 7 February.

À bientôt, Philip