02 septembre 2014

28 juillet 2014

Le mot juste

Prochainement, notre programme d'activités

French Book Giveaway

If you are in Dublin during the summer, up to 5 September, you might like to check out this offer from Alliance Française, Dublin. You’ll find them on the corner of Nassau and Kildare Street, at the side of Trinity College. There’s also a very nice café.

According to AFDublin:

"In order to make room for new books, the Library will be giving books away all summer long! Have a look as you pass through our Reception and Café – with paperbacks, graphic novels, non-fiction, children’s books, you never know what treasure you may unearth!All the books are free, but donations will be gratefully accepted and used for the upkeep of the Médiathèque."

More information