24 décembre 2023
Joyeux Noël 2023
Le comité du Cercle français de Belfast vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes de Noël et une Bonne Année 2024.
10 décembre 2023
Kiki de Montparnasse
Chers Amis,
The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will take place on ….
mercredi 13 décembre 2023 à 19h30 and will be online as a Zoom meeting
(The Link will be emailed to members on 13 décembre 2023)
Topic: Kiki of Montparnasse
Speaker: Chris TRACEY
We go to the first half of the 20th century to examine the colourful life of Kiki de Montparnasse, born Alice Ernestine Prin. Liberated and flamboyant she became the muse of the avant garde generation. In this talk which contains some adult themes we’ll meet writers and artists. Many have been captivated by her story and we hope you will be too.
Looking forward to seeing you on 13 décembre.
À bientôt, Philip
05 novembre 2023
Ciné-cercle 15 novembre 2023
Chers Amis,
The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will take place on
mercredi 15 novembre 2023 à 19h30 and will be online as a Zoom meeting.
Topic: Ciné-cercle
In this event we shall 'check out' a small sample of the films available on www.tv5mondsplus.com. Below you will find information on, and links to, three films from the TV5MONDE library .. a 'short', a comedy and a documentary. Like all films from TV5MONDE these are free to view and each is available with English subtitles.
If you would like to view one or indeed all of these before 15 November we can discuss (in bookclub fashion) your thoughts on them at the meeting. It will also be a chance to hear from you just what is available free, in French and subtitled on the many media platforms.
I am very much looking forward to hearing your views.
SHORT (2011, 17mins)
Charlotte Rampling is distraught. Her performance has been totally erased from the film "On ne Meurt que Deux Fois" and replaced by that of another actress... Furious, she's determined to find out exactly what happened.
FULL LENGTH (2018, 87 mins)
Keen to improve the relationship between his two diametrically opposed daughters, a father finds a way to bring them together for a weekend: Vali, a Céline Dion fan, has clinched an audition in Paris!.
LA COUR DE BABEL (2013, 90 mins)
They have just arrived in France from Ireland, Serbia, Brazil, Tunisia, China and Senegal. For one year, Julie Bertuccelli films the interactions, conflict and joy experienced by this group of high-school children-aged 11 to 15-as they join the same class to learn French.
Looking forward to seeing you on 15 novembre.
À bientôt, Philip
13 octobre 2023
CfB : Assemblée Générale 18 octobre 2023
Chers Amis,
The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will take place on:
mercredi 18 octobre 2023, in the Ramada Hotel 20 Talbot St, Belfast BT1 2LD
Topic: Assemblée générale
You are warmly invited to our first in-person event of the new season on Wednesday 18 October at 7.30pm in the CS Lewis room of the Ramada Hotel, Cathedral Quarter, Belfast. It’s our AGM and we promise to keep the formal part of our proceedings to a minimum leaving plenty of time for catch ups and a few French-themed items of interest including some music and a special book share for you to take away.
Please see our programme in the tab above. You will see that most of our events will take place online while the venues for others will be notified prior to the event.
We are planning to have occasional extra “café causerie” events where else but in our favourite café - The Dark Horse. Be sure then to be signed up for our regular monthly bulletin.
We will also keep you posted on France/French themed events we hear about locally and one such source has caught our attention at the Open Learning Centre at QUB. As well as language classes offered by Cercle stalwarts, Brigitte, Hélène and Vanessa there is also a series of French history talks by Sam Thompson who is the speaker at our February event which we are planning to host in the Queen’s Quarter.
For more information see … www.qub.ac.uk/ol
We hope you agree that it is a wide ranging programme.
Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday 18 October
À bientôt, Philip
18 septembre 2023
Soirée d'accueil 20 septembre 2023
Chers Amis,
The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will take place on ….
… mercredi 20 septembre 2023 à 19h30 and will be online as a Zoom meeting
Topic: Soirée d’accueil
It’s la rentrée and time to catch up with members near and far with our online launch of the new season. After announcing details of talks and other events we open the mics for an hour of member chat in À vous la parole ! Tell us about your experience of France and things French since we last met. Thinking of joining? Ask us about the cercle.
*Please note: While information about our events is circulated to everyone on our mailing list the links giving access to our Zoom meetings are sent only to members and to guests who have paid for one-off attendance (£5). For more information please contact cfbelfast@gmail.com.
The Zoom link will be sent to members and registered guests on the morning of the event.
Looking forward to seeing you on 20 septembre.
À bientôt, Philip
07 septembre 2023
CfB - new programme coming soon
Chers Amis,
It is that time of year again … summer holidays are over, children are back at school and life returns to its regular rhythms. It is la rentrée. A good time then to give you a heads up on our next Cercle meeting. It will be an online Zoom meeting on Wednesday 20 September. Further details will follow but you might like to mark the date in your diary now.
Also ...
Showing at QFT this week (until 13th September) is ...The Innocent (L'Innocent) a 2022 French crime comedy film directed by Louis Garrel and starring Roschdy Zem, Anouk Grinberg, Noémie Merlant and Garrel. For more details and show times click on ...
À bientôt, Philip
14 juillet 2023
18 juin 2023
Promenade en blanc 24 juin 2023
Chers amis, flâneuses et flâneurs
Last year, several members of the cercle met up for our first ever promenade en blanc along Belfast's Maritime Mile. Members told us that they enjoyed the opportunity to be face to face and side by side; they agreed that similar meet-ups should be a regular occurence and so we would like to share details for our second outing on Saturday 24 June at Antrim Castle Gardens.
Details of the rendezvous time and location are set out below.
Venue: Antrim Castle Gardens and Clotworthy House
Date and Time: Saturday 24th June 11:00
Rendezvous spot: The plan is to meet at Central Car Park*, Castle Mall, Antrim and walk across to the grounds of Antrim Castle Gardens.
* Coordinates: 54.7162046, -6.2186208
Travelling by car: Access to Central Car Park, Castle Mall is from Castle Way (see map and Google image attached). Parking is free at Castle Mall
Train Times: The 10:07 train from Europa Bus/Train Station arrives at Antrim Train Station at 10:46.
Bus Times: With buses from Belfast arriving at Antrim Buscentre at 09:27 and 11:27 travelling by bus is not very covenient.
Duration of Walk: Approx. 60 - 90 mins
We know that several of our members are away on holiday and some lucky ones are in France so it would be helpful to have an indication if you are able to attend - that way we'll know how many madeleines to bring to munch on as we listen to Philip explain the links our location has with France and French history. They may surprise you.
In keeping with the tradition of the Pique-nique en blanc, the inspiration for our promenade, please try if you can to wear something white and, despite the spell of lovely weather, remember to rainproof your walk.
Coming? Please let us know and we'll look forward to seeing you at 11am in Antrim on Saturday 24 June.
CfB Committee
19 mai 2023
Three colours series
During May and June QFT will be screening Krzysztof Kieślowski's classic, award-winning trilogy on France’s national motto: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity … Three Colours: Blue , Three Colours: White and Three Colours: Red.
The first in the series, Three Colours: Blue, will be shown from 26 May until 1 June. For further details please click on the link below ….
À bientôt, Philip
17 avril 2023
Grand Corps Malade
The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will take place on...
mercredi 19 avril 2023 à 19h30 and will be online as a Zoom meeting
Topic : Grand Corps Malade
With : Mary CARBERRY
Mary invites us to share her enthusiasm for the work of French slam poet and lyricist, Fabien MARSAUD, known professionally as Grand Corps Malade / Tall sick body. We feel sure you will appreciate this unique artist's story and repertoire.
*Please note: While information about our events is circulated to everyone on our mailing list the links giving access to our Zoom meetings are sent only to members and to guests who have paid for one-off attendance (£5). For more information please contact cfbelfast@gmail.com.
The Zoom link will be sent to members and registered guests on the morning of the event.
Looking forward to seeing you on 19th March.
À bientôt, Philip
11 avril 2023
Cercle de Lecture : Un Secret par Philippe GRIMBERT
Chers Amis,
The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will take place on ….
… mercredi 12 avril 2023 à 19h30 and will be online as a Zoom meeting
(The Link will be emailed to MEMBERS ONLY* on 12 avril 2023)
Cercle de Lecture : Un Secret par Philippe GRIMBERT
With : Brigitte GOURLEY
Join us for a discussion of this short but compelling novel of buried family secrets.
“Growing up in post-war Paris as the sickly only child of glamorous , athletic parents, the narrator invents for himself a make-believe brother, older, stronger, and more brilliant than he can ever be.”
The book is available in French and English and it has also been made into a film/DVD.
ENGLISH Softcover, ISBN 9781846270444
FRENCH Softcover, ISBN 9783150197318
You will find it on Amazon, Ebay, many other online bookstores and on www.bookfinder.com.
“A Secret” directed by Claude Miller. This may be difficult to source but here is a link to the trailer ..
So come along and join in the discussion.
21 mars 2023
13 mars 2023
Pour mieux connaître Madame de Montespan
Chers membres,
Following Allison's excellent presentation on the fascinating life of Madame de Montespan here are some further links, supplied by Allison and Hélène, for you to explore. If you scroll a little further you will find links to “Un Secret” the book to be discussed at our next meeting on 12 April.
Pour mieux connaître Madame de Montespan :
Roman (du point de vue du mari de la marquise)
Le Montespan, Jean Teulé (Le Montespan: Amazon.co.uk: Teule, Jean: 9782266186742: Books)
Et la traduction en anglais : The Hurlyburly's Husband (The Hurlyburly's Husband: Amazon.co.uk: Jean Teulé, Alison Anderson (Translator): 9781906040659: Books)
Roman en anglais
The Real Queen Of France: Athenais and Louis XIV, Lisa Hilton (The Real Queen Of France: Athenais and Louis XIV: Amazon.co.uk: Hilton, Lisa: 9780349115726: Books)
Madame De Montespan, Jean-Christian Petitfils (Madame De Montespan (Tempus): Amazon.co.uk: Jean-Christian Petitfils: 9782262030810: Books)
Mme de Montespan : le grand amour du Roi-Soleil (Mme de Montespan : le grand amour du Roi-Soleil - Secrets d'Histoire TV (secretsdhistoire.tv)). Attention : il faut un compte Secrets d’Histoire
Secrets d'Histoire - Elles ont régné sur Versailles (Secrets d'Histoire - Elles ont régné sur Versailles (Intégrale) - YouTube)
Sous les jupons de l'histoire - Madame De Montespan (https://podcasts.apple.com/
gb/podcast/sous-les-jupons-de- ), 50 minuteslhistoire/id1544289148?i= 1000531046824 « A Madame de Montespan », de Jean de La Fontaine (« A Madame de Montespan », de Jean de La Fontaine (radiofrance.fr)), 9 minutes
L’affaire des poisons ou comment on empoisonne à tout va à Versailles (L’affaire des poisons ou comment on empoisonne à tout va à Versailles (radiofrance.fr)), 3 minutes
Livre du prochain club de lecture : Un Secret / Secret by Philippe Grimbert.
In French
In English
Voici deux autre liens à partager :
Les podcasts d'histoire de Lorànt Deutsch qui sont passionnants :
C'est assez difficile à suivre car Lorànt Deutsch parle très vite et fait beaucoup de blagues, mais on apprend beaucoup de choses !
Stéphane Bern qui anime "Secrets d'Histoire" a publié des livres qui répondent à des questions historiques :
Chaque chapitre fait deux pages environ, c'est très abordable et bien écrit.
À la prochaine !
Allison, Hélène et Philippe
02 mars 2023
Madame de Montespan and forthcoming events
Chers Amis,
The next meeting of the Cercle Français de Belfast will take place on ….
… mercredi 8 mars 2023 à 19h30 and will be online as a Zoom meeting
(The Link will be emailed to MEMBERS ONLY* on 8 mars 2023)
Topic: Madame de Montespan
With: Allison NEILL-RABAUX
To mark International Women's Day join us as Allison shares the story of Madame de Montespan 1640-1707 "maîtresse-en-titre" to Louis XIV but also dubbed "the true queen of France". It is a story of intrigue and poison at the court of Versailles, you'll not want to miss
*Please note: While information about our events is circulated to everyone on our mailing list the links giving access to our Zoom meetings are sent only to members and to guests who have paid for one-off attendance (£5). For more information please contact cfbelfast@gmail.com.
The Zoom link will be sent to members and registered guests on the morning of the event.
Franco-Irish Literary Festival 2023
February 24th–26th March, Dublin Castle & Alliance Française
(Note: Most events take place in Dublin Castle on the Saturday so it is well worth taking a day trip to Dublin.)
Join us for the 23rd edition of the Franco-Irish Literary Festival, jointly organised by Alliance Française and the French Embassy, in Dublin Castle and Alliance Française Dublin, on the theme: Hope.
Over three days, 13 writers and performers of English, Irish and French languages will be discussing the subject through panel discussions, interviews, readings, a slam performance and a screening. Books will be available for sale & signing.
full programme of the Festival >>
Simultaneous interpreting provided in English and French. Admission free for all events on a first come/first served basis. No advance booking is required, except for the reading performance on Friday evening.
Do you want to know a SECRET?
Our event in April will be a discussion on the novel Un Secret / Secret by Philippe Grimbert.
“Growing up in post-war Paris as the sickly only child of glamorous , athletic parents, the narrator invents for himself a make-believe brother, older, stronger, and more brilliant than he can ever be.”
The book is available in French and English and there is also a film/DVD.
ENGLISH Softcover, ISBN 9781846270444 Publisher: Granta Books
FRENCH Softcover, ISBN 9783150197318 Publisher: Reclam Philipp Jun.
You will find it on Amazon, Ebay, many other online bookstores and on www.bookfinder.com.
“A Secret” directed by Claude Miller. This may be difficult to source but here is a link to the trailer ..
Looking forward to seeing you on 8th March.
À bientôt, Philip