The now celebrated double act started with a good breakfast example in the form of a croissant, dipping between English and French, along the way discussing the merits of pur beurre de Normandie proving methods and whether the pastry was frozen or not. The discussion didn't last long because there were another ten treats to come.

Next up was a tantalising Tarte Tatin which some members recalled had featured in a dedicated talk of its own several years ago with Claudine reminding us that its birthplace was Lamotte-Beuvron in the Région Centre.
Attention shifted to a butter cake made in the fishing port of Douranenez in Brittany. No-one deduced that it was the Kouign-Amann. Et toi?
Fans of the Great British Bake-Off reported that the Gâteau St.Honoré, named after the patron of bakers and pastry makers had not only featured on that programme but also on James Martin's Saturday Kitchen. French pastries get around!
The Gâteau Basque was an interesting find and Hélène, who had sampled quite a few of the delicacies purely in the interests of research, pointed out that this cake can have two different fillings each designated by distinctive designs on the crust. Also interesting was the youngest of the recipes; a relative new-comer the Opéra cake was created by the Dalloyau Gastronomy House in the 1950s.
Members agreed that the Religieuse, so-called because of its ressemblance to a nun in habit, was aptly named.
Up to now participants had deciphered the clues fairly quickly but it took a bit of coaching on Hélène and Philip's part to get the next one.
The clue focussed on pictures of a couple of lengthy books and led us to A la recherche du temps perdu - Marcel Proust's masterwork. The connection?
This became apparent as Helene read an extract from the first volume, Du Côté du Chez Swann, in which the author visits his Aunt Léonie for Sunday morning tea and Madeleines. Proust recalls years later how the taste of a madeleine transports him back across time and place. It turns out that the madeleine was a firm favourite among those present with several helpfully suggesting that local supermarkets stock the Bon Maman fleur d'orange variety.
Tenth on the list was the Millefeuille whose clue Philip had decided to illustrate with a centipede. It may not have been the most obvious comparison but was immediately guessed. Hélène noted that the mille-feuille as we know it today was developed by Marie-Antoine Carême - the celebrity chef of his day - which prompted Claudine to point out that the surname Carême means Lent in French.
There was one more delicacy to comment.
At this point Helene and Philip graciously offered the floor and introduced Tracey Jeffrey, patronne of the locally based Eva Paris Macarons company, who to the delight of those present had brought along some samples of her products for a dégustation.
Tracey, a former teacher and trainer, explained how some years ago she returned to a French pâtisserie she had once worked in and had been taught the art of macaron making. It was not a skill to be acquired overnight or even a few weeks. She explained that it took some years to get the result she wanted, experimenting with natural flavours. Her efforts paid off, with both her macarons and her business winning awards.
Hélène, Philip and Tracey had provided a thoroughly enjoyable evening with macarons being the icing on the cake so to speak and where seeing the delight on the face of members was a treat in itself.lose