29 septembre 2014

Photos from opening night

Brian Shanks and Maryvonne Le Roy
Stringing conversation...

The finished Scrabble board - version française bien sur
Jonathan, Maryvonne, Seamus et Claudine..

09 septembre 2014

Bulletin mensuel - septembre 2014

Chers Amis,
C’est la rentrée.  Yes it’s that time of year when we settle back into our autumn routine.  The Cercle Français de Belfast will be starting our new season with its first meeting on 17th September but I thought that you might also like to hear of a few other happenings with a French connection taking place in Belfast … or not too far away.

French Films at QFT

Fri 12 – Mon 15 & Thurs 18 Sept

Attila Marcel

Full of music, dance sequences and colourful production design, Attila Marcel takes its heightened reality cues from visionary modern directors such as Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Michel Gondry.

Director:                       Sylvain Chomet
Running Time:             1 Hr 46 Mins
Released:                      2013
Country:                       France
Cast:                             Guillaume Gouix, Anne Le Ny, Bernadette Lafont

For full details of QFT’s September programme see …

French Dancing in the heart of Belfast

Our friends in Bal Feirste and BreizhEire will be back in Maddens for their monthly session on the 2nd Sat of each month (starting September 13th) with Bal Folk, a mixture of dances from across France. You will be delighted to know that they have come back from France with lots of new tunes and new dances too. . they can't wait to share!!
Saturday 13th September
Madden’s Bar, 74 Berry StreetBelfast from 5pm to 8pm

News from the l’Alliance Française de Dublin
Fondation AF:  On joue sur la Terre
12 September - 31 OctoberAdmission free
The theme of the 4th International photography competition of the Fondation Alliance française was “On joue sur la Terre” and the winner of our own competition, Tommie Lehane, was one of 20 international finalists selected by the Grand Jury!  l’Alliance Française de Dublin is proud to present selection of the best works submitted by Alliances Françaises from all around the globe!
Alliance Française de Dublin

Open Day 2014
Admission free

Saturday 13 September – 11am-5pm

For full details of l’Alliance Française de Dublin September programme see ….

And, don’t forget the first meeting of the new season for the CercleFrançais de Belfast will take place in The Dark Horse café on Wednesday 17th September at 7.30pm.

A bientôt,  Philip

02 septembre 2014